Gwen is ... chillin' in rez.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So it's not everyday that you go into the stairwell in rez and notice a waterfall. But it happened today though...and it was quite the sight.

I was just about to go to my AL office hours when some of the peeps on my floor said, "Gwen! You gotta check this out." Naturally I thought they were going to show me something harmless or just some wild antic that they I was not prepared for what I saw.

MADNESS! It was like Niagara Fall Jr. was born in the stairwell. I thought all hope was lost and we weren't going to have hot water and everyone was going to panic!

However, this was not the case at all. Although it caused a distraction, the burst was cleared up within the few hours I was in the AL office, the mess is in the process of being cleaned up and I'm happy to report that the hot water is on folks!

So it was pandemonium for a couple of hours, but we're back in business.

Until the next wild adventure,

Rezfully yours,


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