Gwen is ... chillin' in rez.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Benefits of Midterm Season

I love exam time! (haha betcha didn’t think you’d ever read ANYONE say that)

And before you seek me out and throw copious amounts of stale food at me … just hear me out for a second…

Preparing for an exam usually involves procrastination. But procrastination is the key to getting all of the ‘little things’ done that you have put off from before. Let’s face it, this time of the year usually prompts you to be able to find hundreds of things you could be doing (instead of studying), which can justify putting off exam prep.

This happens to me every year. I schedule time to study well before the exam …but honestly…the night before is my prime time to absorb all the info.

So this lovely procrastination that happens has allowed me get those ‘little things’ done that I haven’t had the opportunity to do.

For example:
I’ve picked up a guitar and started to learn some new tunes, mastered making to-do lists, organized my desktop into folders, organized ‘my documents’ into folders, vacuumed, organized drawers, caught up on my tv show watching (granted many don’t qualify ‘Paris Hilton is my BFF’ as television lol), figured out places I want to volunteer, filled out the RSU bursary application etc.

These little things never would’ve gotten done or started had it not been for my inability to buckle down and learn about the ‘sociological imagination’ (how is this relevant in the real world anyways!?)

This year I have a couple of exams all of which require a lot of reading and memorizing, which honestly makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry (well maybe not cry…but definitely procrastinate!) But I’ve come to the conclusion that procrastination can be great motivation- so why does it get such a bad rep!?

That being said: “Vive le PROCRASTINATION (if it works for you)!” and GOOD LUCK with your exams! Bring home the 'A's!!!!!'

Rezfully Yours,

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