Gwen is ... chillin' in rez.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

R.I.P Reading Week...

Right after the holidays it's extremely exciting to know that another break is coming in just a few short weeks...

But when it comes it's absolutely awesome! And I'm sure most of us (who aren't vacationing on a Tropical Island) have some big plans to get our homework done (and maybe even get ahead?)

As it is the Thursday of reading week and I am just beginning to do my homework (sidenote: Procrastination is BAD!!!!) I am seriously wondering why this seems to happen every year. Upon talking to some fellow rezzers (who are back from their breaks) we all seem to be in the same spot.

The GOOD news is (for all of you 1st years) when you come back, Rez is a completely different atmosphere. Everyone seems a little more focused (probably because MIDTERMS! have come) and the time until the summer break literally flies by.

Just wait it'll be the fastest two months EVER.

Anyways, any thoughts on why procrastination seems to plague many university students on the break???? Gimme a shout through email or comment!


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