Pics from Church Street on Halloween (McCain & Obama took a break from the campaign trail, the Joker came back from the dead, and a HUGE dress!)
Check out some of the pictures from Halloween from Rezzzzz (Below)!!
Me and Allison Halloweenin' it up!
Jason playin' the guitar on the floor!
My graffiti wall costume (pre graffiti!)
Halloween was wild in Rez!!!! Every floor decorated their lounge to see which one could be the spookiest! It was judged on originality, theme, and overall mood. Congrats to RA Jeff's floor in the ILLC for the scariest floor. Apparently they didn't snap any pics, but I hear they had humans as props, and enough blood and gore to make for a really scary Halloween theme! Church street was where it's at that night as there were tons of original costumes, and things to see. I can't even wait til next year!!

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